## Books - [Competitive Programming 3](https://cpbook.net/) by Steven Halim and Felix Halim - [Competitive Programmer's Handbook](https://cses.fi/book.html) by Antti Laaksonen [^2] - [Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving](http://www.csc.kth.se/~jsannemo/slask/main.pdf) by Johan Sannemo (in progress) ### Math/geometry-oriented - [Trophy Hunting in the Infinite Jungle of Finitude](https://quasisphere.io/trophy.pdf) by Janne Junnila - [Handbook of geometry for competitive programmers](https://vlecomte.github.io/cp-geo.pdf) by Victor Lecomte (in progress) [^3] ## Blogs - [The bit talk](http://mradwan.github.io/) - [Threads @ IIIT Hyderabad](https://threads-iiith.quora.com/) ### Math-oriented - [COME ON CODE ON](https://comeoncodeon.wordpress.com/) - [I write, therefore I am](http://am-just-a-nobody.blogspot.is/) ## Collections - [Awesome Competitive Programming](https://github.com/lnishan/awesome-competitive-programming) [^2]: [^3]: